Welcome to the 2020 REDCap Database Workshop. This will be a 1.5 day in-person only training hosted at the Tennessee Department of Health in Nashville, TN. Demonstrations will be done using the standard REDCap version 9 and will focus on novice to beginner skillsets. The workshop will cover the following topics:

Introduction to REDCap

Survey and questionnaire design

Branching logic and calculated fields

Data entry and import

Adding users and data access groups (DAGs)



Data Quality

Limited advanced topics

    • Piping
    • HTML
    • Action tags

The 2020 REDCap data base workshop will be held on March 31st - April 1st.

If you have questions regarding the workshop please contact Siobhan Dodds at siobhan.dodds@tn.gov CCing Corinne Davis (corinne.davis@tn.gov).

Please complete the registration form below.

Thank you!

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